2020 has brought with it a number of changes and challenges for school learners and the non profits who support them.  We are extremely concerned about the second pandemic of anxiety and trauma affecting us all.  We work specifically with vulnerable  children in under-resourced areas and while food security is obviously a priority, we believe mental health, resilience, agency and self-efficacy must be included in the short and longer term approach to mitigate the effects of COVID-19.
During lockdown, our team who usually work onsite at schools, have transitioned to using technology to offer tele-therapy to learners and to keep in contact with our partner school communities.  The demand for counselling and support for learners, educators and parents has increased during lockdown and the associated anxiety.  During this period, Community Keepers has reached the milestone of impacting 100 000 people (since inception) through psychosocial support and therapeutic interventions.  This impact was possible thanks to the dedication of our mental health professionals joining hands with our generous and loyal funders.
We have released our latest Integrated Report and record that in 2019 we reached 2 769 learners through individual therapy,  24 649 learners in group discussions, 6 557 parents and 701 educators – an investment in 34 646 people’s lives. 

These figures reflect the impact of our work in the year 2019 and the cumulative impact since Community Keepers launched in 2008.