We have received funding to produce these resources and share them freely so that as many people as possible can benefit.

Executive Functions

This infographic was created for ECD practitioners, teachers, parents, caregivers, health professionals, and anyone else interested in children’s cognitive development, in collaboration with The Universities of Cambridge and the Witwatersrand.










Executive Functions infographic as a PDF

Kindness and Empathy

Kindness Jar_Affirmations worksheet

Kindness Wheel_Handout

Colouring Pages_Younger learners

Colouring pages_Older learners


Primary School learners ENG_GRIEF

High School learners_ENG_GRIEF

Primary School learners_AFR_GRIEF

High School_learners AFR_GRIEF

Nurturing relationships (a guide for Parents)

The parent-child relationship is a precious bond.  As parents, we experience emotions like sadness, anger, excitement and fear. It is important to acknowledge our feelings to better understand those of our child. Talking about emotions with your child is the foundation to a strong connection with your child.  Instead of listing the range of caregiver roles, we use the word “parent” to make the booklets easier to read.

Parenting Booklet_ENG

Parenting Booklet_XHOSA

Parenting Booklet_AFR

Coping with Anxiety (an Activity Book for Learners)

Have you ever felt so worried, that it feels like everything might go wrong? Have you felt tense, restless and nervous? Have these feelings ever made your heart beat faster, making it feel like you can’t breathe? These are all symptoms of anxiety and it is difficult to deal with it, when you simply just don’t know how. 

High School Community Keepers Activity Book Eng

High School Community Keepers Activity Book Afr

High School Community Keepers Activity Book Xhosa

Primary School Community Keepers Activity Book Eng

Primary School Community Keepers Activity Book Afr

Primary School Community Keepers Activity Book Xhosa

Emotions (an Activity Book for Learners)

Primary School Emotions Eng

Primary Schools Emotions Afr

Primary Schools Emotions Xhosa

High School Emotions Eng

High School Emotions Afr

GBV Conversation Starters

Empowering children with resilience and self-efficacy

Creating caring environments :: Mental health first aid in action

How to handle your child’s emotional outbursts


Box-Breathing Technique for Primary School Chidren

Preparing for Exams

Positive discipline and behavior management in the classroom


Wooden pegs to manage classroom behaviour

The things people say