Durbanville unites to help disadvantaged communities

Thank you Sarah Hoek for this Article in Matie Media

“….The initiative organises donations and put together food hampers, then uses various feeding scheme lists to identify those in need in Durbanville and then works with community leaders to distribute, said Hermanus.

“We decided that we want to put together food hampers and these are being distributed door-to-door to community members,” he said.

“We had to set up a structure to connect a few people [and then] organise donations, bulk buying, packaging and distributors,” Breytenbach said. These structures help them to give to the people in dire need, to identify children that would normally benefit from a feeding scheme and to then distribute the food to those homes, he said.

Partnering alongside existing organisations, such as Community Keepers in Fisantekraal, also helped them to distribute the hampers and connect them to trusted members of the community, said Breytenbach.

“We like to collaborate and work hand in hand. I think it’s really important to the work that we do,” said Meriel Bartlett from Community Keepers.