Life Guidance :: Subject Decision Making
At the end of last year we recruited and trained our first group of Life Guidance Facilitators. They had just started and had hosted their first two sessions with the Grade 9’s at two different high schools when Covid closed schools for lockdown.
Due to strict social distancing regulations, the team may not return yet. The academic calendar has been cut short so there is a drive to use as much time as possible on academic teaching, yet the learners still need to make their subject choices with confidence.
We have now packaged the lessons into a digital presentation using video. The five part series includes:
- Part I: The importance of subject choice and what to take into account when looking at self- and career exploration
- Part II: Careers options
- Part III: Considering Further Education
- Part IV: Admission requirements and required subjects
- Part V: Subject information for all NSC subjects
Evaluation forms will be completed pre- and post the presentations as part of our commitment to measurement and evaluation. This input from the learners help inform the material for future sessions.
LGF 2020 pre-programme data
The following statements were posed to learners from one of our target school during the first session of our Subject Decision Making programme. A total of 76 learners completed the questionnaire (56,6% female learners, 42,1% male learners and 1,32% gender not disclosed).
The 20 statements represent important factors, knowledge and/or steps in the decision making process.
Out of the data obtained from the 76 completed questionnaires, only 6 statements received confident responses that would positively contribute to an informed decision making process from more than 50% of the respondents. For 3 statements less than 50% of the respondents indicated such confidence, while less than 40% of the respondent indicated confidence in the remaining 11 statements. These 11 statements included perceived confidence in knowledge about further education. A mere 41,18% of learners who completed this questionnaire indicated confidence in their knowledge regarding how to make their Grade 10-12 subject choice.
The activities included in the LGF-programme, address the information mentioned in these 20 statements, and therefore aim to extend learners’ knowledge and confidence in these essential factors in the Subject Decision Making process.