Kindness in Community

We are honoured to announce a new funding partner and we are very proud to represent kindness in South Africa.

Last year, Born This Way Foundation supported by Cotton On Foundation, invited young people to nominate local organisations (across ten countries) that are making a difference for youth mental health to receive a grant to further their work.


“Nearly 2,000 nominations later, we are proud to announce the international expansion of our KindnessInCommunity Fund grant program funding $3 000 000 USD into 65 youth-centered organisations globally. I’m also incredibly proud of the fact young people led each step of the process so that this list of grantees genuinely reflects their needs and priorities. 75% of the recipient organisations were nominated by young people, and our global Youth Advisory Board helped to review the nominees and select the grantees. Our mission at Born This Way Foundation is to listen to young people, work directly with them, and take action based on their guidance, and we’re grateful we could do that with our first global cohort of the Kindness in Community Fund.” Josh Meredith, BornThisWay Foundation Chief of Staff

Welcome Our 2024 Kindness in Community Fund Grantees!