2021 Impact Summary

Please note that the financial report will be published together with the Integrated Annual Report

Access to mental health care is a basic human right and nobody should be denied access simply because they are poor or live in a remote place or because there are not enough skilled professionals and the waiting lists are too long.  At Community Keepers, we are committed to the United Nations call to “leave no one behind” and to “endeavour to reach the furthest first.”  Thank you for partnering with us.

We anticipate that 10% of learners in a school will present for Support Keeper therapy each year.  During the Covid pandemic, this need for therapeutic intervention increased to an average of 12%, with a number of schools reporting 20% of learners in therapy.  A challenge has been that, due to social distancing regulations, additional resources in the form of “rotating therapists” have not been allowed, on-site, to assist with in-person sessions.  We have addressed this challenge through remote access and the use of telephonic check-in phone calls, bringing the combined reach to almost 30% of the learners in schools.  A number of schools are running a waiting list for in-person therapy, but we frequently check-in with these learners to ensure that no one is left alone.

We aim to reach every learner in the school (target: 100%) through our Life Keeper developmental programmes, be it through participating in workshops, receiving an activity book for the holidays or exposure to posters on display.  A number of schools report participation in excess of 100% as a number of learners access this service numerous times as they participate in a range of workshops on different topics; we refer to this as “dosage”.  Likewise, educators attend a number of professional development sessions through the year.

We are required to report on the race of our clients, and for the period 2021   97% of our clients are classified as so called “black”.