CK named a semi-finalist in the South African CSI Legacy Awards 2022

The fourth term is a busy time of year at our partner schools. Matric learners began writing their final exams yesterday and we have seen an increase in learners, parents and educators requesting support for heightened anxiety.
It has been a long and challenging year so receiving this letter from CSRNEWSSA yesterday gave us a real boost:
“Dear Community Keepers,
Congratulations – you are a semifinalist in the South African #CSILegacyAwards 2022.
We continue to be amazed at the number of companies nominated for these Awards. Nominees include Nelson Mandela Foundation, Coca Cola, Afrika Tikkun, Clover, Old Mutual, Vodacom, Nashua, Xylem, Doctors Without Borders (MSF), and many more.
Organisations are assessed on:
  • 1. Creativity and innovation
  • 2. Collaboration
  • 3. Accessibility of information
  • 4. Impact

You’ve made it this far and are already numbered among the best 32 CSI programmes in the country. We are excited as we, too, await final outcomes on 12 November.”

Mental health and well-being is the launch pad that all learners deserve. It is a priviledge to sit with young people and listen to them as they share their story.