CK launches an open source animation series to build resilience and a culture of well-being

Animation by Studio Bolland

Learners connect with characters and we believe that their ability to relate to fictional characters impacts their ability to relate to others.  Stories are a useful tool to instill values such as empathy and kindness in learners; these stories are built around a character that they can relate to, who later learns a life lesson.  Animations work in the same way, and could be even more effective.

With this in mind, we are working with Studio Bolland to produce a series of animations on challenging topics which can be used as “conversation starters” as we work with schools to build resilience and a culture of well-being.  All material produced will be freely shared with other organisations and will include a supportive “how-to host a workshop” manual.

As the WC Children’s Commissioner puts it, the collective aim is to: “Decrease risk and increase resilience”.

The first episode focuses on #GBV and has been sponsored by the National Development Agency.

Leading our project is social worker Emily Pillay
Our guest speaker to open the floor was the Western Cape Children’s Commissioner, Christina Nomdo

Michelle Scheepers introduces Episode 1 “Themba”

Reece Carstens takes us into the classroom to describe how the animation will be used in a lesson plan

In closing, CEO Gerrit Laning reminds us of the ultimate goal.  Building resilience and a culture of well-being

Di Ruthenberg, Phambano & #Tech2EndGBV
Cheryl Harper, WeCanChangeOurWorld and Ardiel Soeker, National Development Agency