Spending time with our parents

In her monthly report, CK Therapist Amy wrote: “June was a fairly quiet month because it was exam time so I put my effort into parent development.  I hosted an in-person parent session based around the Child Protection Month professional recordings by Mariette van der Westhuizen: Wellbeing of the Child, Sexual Abuse, Substance Abuse.  The in-person session provided an opportunity for parents to engage in small group discussions focused on making the information more personal and practical. From the quotes I have shared, you will see how positively the session was received. I am excited to build on this momentum with my school’s parents going forward.”


“This session was really informative and fun. I enjoyed the interaction while learning so much. Thank you for this awesome session.”

“I really love this kind of session. I appreciate you for offering your time like this and would really like to see more of these sessions in the future.”

“This was a morning well-spent. I will definitely attend more. Thank you.”