One of our social workers, Joané Geldenhuys, who holds a Masters in Play-based Intervention recently shared her idea of using Wooden Clothes Pegs in the classroom. We had a lot of positive feedback from educators and she has agreed to share other classroom tools and tips with us.
She recently held another developmental session the educators at her Primary School where she showed the educators this video about FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder) and how it affects learners’ behavior.
She then facilitated a discussion about positive discipline and behavior management in the classroom and created resources for the educators to use in class.
Thinking sheet
This resource helps the learners to identify what the problem behavior was / is and what behavior would be better. The learner must identify it, rewrite it, and sign at the end. This page is then discussed between the educator and the learner at the end of the period or day. By giving this sheet to the learner, the educator does not have to quarrel with the learner. The opportunity for a later discussion about the behavior is created.
Educators could also cut out the blocks and have them laminated. Mix up the squares and ask the learner to match the squares that fit together.
Behavioral contract
The learner should work for the positive, rather than the educator constantly pointing out the negative. If the learner did something slightly wrong, mark it on the contract, but that’s it. The learner should try to earn a stamp for each time-slot indicated (such as Afr, Eng, Maths, etc.) by following the rules during period. The learner will enjoy putting the stamp or sticker on the contract themself.
The most important thing here is that the contract really is for the educator. It is your responsibility as a teacher to give regular, positive feedback after each period. The learner then also receives the extra attention they so desperately want, in the form of your praise and the stamps on the contract.
Flow chart
Older children may prefer to complete a flow chart showing the cause and effect of each of their choices, so that it is clear to them what choices caused the current problem.
We appreciate your feedback, so please let us know if you used these ideas and if you have any other suggestions that we can share.